Memories and Reflections

It was strange seeing some of these photos after so many years has passed. It brought back memories of visiting my late mother in Bangladesh and using my first analogue SLR camera to take pictures.
Using a traditional SLR to take photographs required a certain level of commitment from the photographer both in terms of patience, time and resources to see the results. It regularly involved an anxious wait in a dark room, like an expected parent, or waiting for the film to come back from the developer. Often not knowing if the overall compositions had the desired outcomes – it was a particular concern for an amateur photographer.
Some of the images on this site were taken before the mass proliferation of digital photography and the instant gratification that come with working with this medium today. I have a vivid memory of taking these photos during those earlier years, even today looking at some of these pictures evoke memories of people and place that I have not visited since.
I can’t recall with same affection the photographs taken using the digital SLR camera or my mobile phone. Digital images stored in my computer’s hard drives and various SD cards seem too fleeting at times. Many of these images remain in an original dark binary state lounging in digital purgatory, unseen since it was captured, waiting to take a form- to be viewed and admired. As in the words of one of my favourite Sufi folk songs – “Let’s go and see its sights for these few moments”.